Thanks to an 8asians’ reader, we came across this Samsung commercial starring Krista Marie Yu as ‘Maggie,’ a kind of socially clueless but technologically curious millennial trying to check out Samsung products in all the wrong settings. What’s interesting is that in this commercial, there are also a few other Asian Americans in the storyline, including actor Rich Ceraulo as a student in the library and Jessica Blythe Kemejuk as a Best Buy / Samsung Experience Shop employee.
I know the Samsung Experience store-within-a-store has been great deal for Best Buy, but I wonder if it’s helped Samsung at all compete against Apple and it’s Apple stores. Whether the Samsung Experience Shops are helping Samsung or not, it’s great that Samsung is highlighting more and more Asian Americans in its television campaigns, since when I can remember with the launch of their “The Next Big Thing is Already Here” campaign with Vince Foster (who was also in another recent Samsung ad).