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8Links: ‘Fresh Off The Boat’ Review & Recap Round-up



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“…there’s a spirit of defiance and a theme of rebellion here in the pilot episode. Characters make decisions that look at first like conforming to expectations but then they either change course or stick doggedly to some part of those expectations that makes them suspiciously subversive.” [‘8 Reasons to Catch the ‘Fresh Off The Boat’ Premiere Tonight’ | 8Asians]

“It’s funny because it’s funny.” [‘Fresh Off the Boat': TV Review | THR]

“It’s hilarious. And, in 2015, it’s about time TV put a hilarious Asian family on TV, isn’t it?” [Racism rises up, but “Fresh Off the Boat” is great | The Salt Lake Tribune]

“While the humor could use a little more bite, the unique family representation and sharp observations make Fresh Off the Boat worth a watch.” [A New Take On The Family Sitcom | IGN]

[I]t’s a series that surpasses expectations in every way — as a family comedy, as a commentary on race, as an honest depiction of alienation, and, perhaps most importantly, as a genuinely funny sitcom.” [‘Fresh Off the Boat’ Is 2015’s Best New Sitcom | Flavorwire]

“[Something] sadly was lost in the translation to the network TV show.” [‘Fresh Off The Boat’ Review: Sitcom Translation All Wet, Says Dominic Patten | Deadline]

A TV series with a point of view will almost always be better than the latest mushball with a high-concept tagline, especially given that even the sharpest show will get worn down by the grindstone that is the network TV pilot process. There is no better proof of this than ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat…” [Outsider Art | Slate]

“In 2014, only five network shows out of about 130 prime-time dramas and comedies on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and the CW Network featured an Asian-American in a leading role, according to Dan Mayeda, co-chairman of the Asian Pacific American Media Coalition.” [‘Fresh Off the Boat’ puts focus on Asian-American families | Reuters]

“‘Fresh Off the Boat’ may traffic in as many Asian-American stereotypes as it busts, and her character might be one of them, but the relationship between Mom and the hip-hop-loving Eddie is the most genuine in the series.” [An Immigrant’s Tale, With All-American Tropes | New York Times]

“Yes, the show comes with a message, expressed by narrator Huang: ‘You don’t have to pretend to be someone else in order to belong.’ In the process, it also happens to be funny.” [‘Fresh Off the Boat,’ a Funny Sitcom About Asian-Americans | Associated Press via ABC News]

“That’s why it’s so important that it’s a period piece—not just because of the autobiographical authenticity, but because 1995 is alien to us now. It shows us how arbitrary cultural ideas of ‘normal’ are.” [“It Takes More Than Lunchables to Assimilate” Arthur Chu, Jennifer Lai, and Phil Yu discuss the Fresh Off the Boat premiere | Slate]

“But in the end, Fresh Off the Boat is an ABC family sitcom, and as far as that goes it is funny. It’s actually funnier than most sitcoms on ABC.” [Yes, ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ Is Important, But Is It Good? | Observer]

“I’m interested in the whole show in general because it’s funny and savvy and well done.” [Fresh Off the Boat Is One Of TV’s Most Promising New Comedies | Vulture]

And at the end of the day, this is a comedy that’s not quiet. We’re not apologizing for anything, so I think going the “unsafe” route and picking a title that announces itself and doesn’t apologize made sense. We’re trying to find our own place here; we’re not necessarily trying to fit in, because there is no notch for us to fit in.” [Fresh Off the Boat‘s showrunner talks joking about race (without being racist) | EW]

Visibility is imperative for ‘us’ because it means forcing people to get used to our yellow faces. It is part of a larger outcome that may or may not one day save some kids from being called a ching chong.” [Rap and Lunchables: Fresh Off the Boat Does Asian American Kids Right | Jezebel]

“You get the ‘rep sweats,'” she explained. “[Asians] are so invisible, every time you have the opportunity to see yourself on TV, you hold your breath.” [“You Get the Rep Sweats”: Why “Fresh Off the Boat” Is So Important to Asian Americans | Flavorwire]

This is literally how some of us grew up. That is so crazy to see on TV.” [Watching Fresh Off the Boat With 999 Asian-Americans | Vulture]

“The show so far succeeds in very funny little moments. While it has more than its fair share of yelling, the funniest moments are often in lines whispered, or muttered under someone’s breath.” [‘Fresh Off the Boat’ Episode Review: “Home Sweet Home-School” | 8Asians]

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