The actor, comedian (and yes, doctor) Ken Jeong recently guest co-hosted SportsCenter on ESPN. Having grown up in North Carolina, gone to Duke for undergrad and UNC for medical school, it’s no surprise that Jeong is a big basketball or sports fan. As a Duke grad school alum, it brings me great joy to read:
“I was one of the Cameron Crazies back in the day. I’ve mellowed out now. You’d have to … you can’t stay crazy for that long. One of my neighbors went to Duke, so he gets some people together for the Carolina games and we all watch at his house on the big screen.”
But I can’t even imagine what Jeong was like at Duke if he considers himself mellowed out now – maybe as a sports fan, but certainly not in most of the characters he portrays in television and film. ESPN put together a nice montage of Jeong’s best moments as guest co-host which is fairly entertaining. Enjoy!